Do You Ever Worry About...
The impact of INFLATION on retirement?
Has the market hit BOTTOM and what does the
RECOVERY look like?When to take SOCIAL SECURITY
401k/IRA WITHDRAWALS effect on Social Security?
How does a RECESSION impact your retirement?
The tax implications of THE CARES ACT?
Maintaining your standard of living at retirement?
Getting high enough RETURNS on investments?
Missing out on the latest, greatest stock tip?
Someone else having a better portfolio than you?
Making sense of all the information available?
This course is designed to teach you how to avoid some of the traps listed above, and help build a portfolio you can be confident with.
Attend This Course and Learn How to...
Create a plan to retire on your terms
Use new tax law changes to your advantage
Determine if you are paying too much in fees, and if so, how to reduce them
Use 5 investment strategies to help minimize risks and maximize returns
Ensure your estate plan still functions properly under new laws.
Why you need to know your portfolio’s standard deviation, annual turnover and overlap
(if you don’t know what these terms mean, you can’t afford to miss this class series)
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Have questions about our education seminars? Reach out to us!
(614) 635-0103